Developer info on continuous integration

Continuous integration uses a Jenkins server on

CI tests are triggered automatically by gitlab on a :

  • merge request to develop or master branch
  • push in develop, master, feature/test_ci branches (eg: after a merge, pushing a fix directly to this branch)

The merge should not be completed before CI pipeline succeeds

  • pushing a fix to the branch with the open merge request re-triggers the CI test
  • CI test can also be manually triggered by adding a comment to the merge request with the text Jenkins please retry a build

CI pipeline currently contains :

  • running a simplenet + federated average training, on a few batches of a MNIST dataset, with 1 node. For that, CI launches ./scripts/CI_build (wrapping for running on CI server) which itself calls ./scripts/run_test_mnist (payload, can also be launched on localhost)

  • clone the Fed-BioMed repository, set up condas and environments, launch network and node.

  • choose an existing git branch for running the test for each of the repos, by decreasing preference order : source branch of the merge, target branch of the merge, develop
  • launch the fedbiomed script ./notebooks/
  • test succeeds if the script completes without failure.

To view CI test output and logs :

  • view the merge request in gitlab (select Merge requests in left bar, then select your merge request)
  • click on the Pipeline number (eg: #1289345) in the merge request, then click on the Jobs tab, then click on the job number (eg: #1294521)
  • select Console output in the left pane

To configure CI test :

  • connect with your account on To get an account on you need to be approved by one member of the Fed-BioMed CI project or to be a member of Inria
  • request the Fed-BioMed team to become a member of the Fed-BioMed CI project

Note: using branch feature/test_ci can be useful when testing/debugging the CI setup (triggers CI on every push, not only on merge request).