Provide Validator ans SchemeValidator classes for validating parameters against a set of validation rules.
This module provides two "validation" classes and two Error classes (exceptions):
This class manage a rulebook of rules which can afterwards be accessed by their (registered) name.
Values can be checked against the rules.
Typical example:
def my_validation_funct( value ):
if some_python_code:
return False
return True
v = Validator()
v.register( "funky_name", my_validation_funct)
v.register( "float_type", float)
val = 3.14
v.validate( val, "funky_name")
v.validate( val, "float_type")
v.validate( val, float)
v.validate( "{ 'a': 1 }", dict)
This class provides json validation against a scheme describing the expected json content.
The scheme needs to follow a specific format, which describes each allowed fields and their characteristics: - a list of associated validators to check against (aka Validator instances) - the field requirement (required on not) - a default value (which will be used if the field is required but not provided)
A SchemeValidator is accepted by the Validator class.
Typical example:
# direct use
scheme = { "a" : { "rules" : [float], "required": True } }
sc = SchemeValidator(scheme)
value = { "a": 3.14 }
# use also the Validator class
v = Validator()
v.register( "message_a", sc )
v.validate( value, "message_a" )
# remark: all these lines are equivalent
v.register( "message_a", sc )
v.register( "message_a", SchemeValidator( scheme) )
v.register( "message_a", scheme )
This error is raised then the provided value is badly specified.
This error is raised then a value does not comply to defined rule(s)
Bases: ValidatorError
Error raised then the rule is badly defined.
Bases: object
Validation class for scheme (grammar) which describes a json content.
this class uses Validator's class base functions
it requires a json grammar as argument and validate it's again the requested json description scheme
A valid json description is also a dictionary with the following grammar:
"var_name": {
"rules": [ validator1, vlidator2, ...] ,
"default": a_default_value,
"required": True/False
the "rules" field is mandatory "default" and "required" fields are optional.
This is a valid scheme:
{ "a" : { "rules" : [float], "required": True } }
The following json complies to this scheme:
{ "a": 3.14 }
The following does not:
{ "a": True }
{ "b": 3.14 }
Name | Type | Description | Default |
scheme | Dict[str, Dict] | scheme to validate | required |
Type | Description |
RuleError | if provided scheme is invalid |
Source code in fedbiomed/common/validator.py
def __init__(self, scheme: Dict[str, Dict]):
Create a SchemeValidator instance, and validate the scheme passed as input.
it requires a json grammar as argument and validate
it's again the requested json description scheme
A valid json description is also a dictionary
with the following grammar:
"var_name": {
"rules": [ validator1, vlidator2, ...] ,
"default": a_default_value,
"required": True/False
the "rules" field is mandatory
"default" and "required" fields are optional.
This is a valid scheme:
{ "a" : { "rules" : [float], "required": True } }
The following json complies to this scheme:
{ "a": 3.14 }
The following does not:
{ "a": True }
{ "b": 3.14 }
scheme: scheme to validate
RuleError: if provided scheme is invalid
status = self.__validate_scheme(scheme)
if isinstance(status, bool) and status:
self._scheme = scheme
self._is_valid = True
self._scheme = None # type: ignore
self._is_valid = False
raise RuleError(f"scheme is not valid: {status}")
Status of the scheme passed at creation time.
Type | Description |
bool | True if scheme is valid, False instead |
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def is_valid(self) -> bool:
Status of the scheme passed at creation time.
True if scheme is valid, False instead
return (self._scheme is not None) or self._is_valid
populate_with_defaults(value, only_required=True)
populate_with_defaults(value, only_required=True)
Inject default values defined in the rule to a given dictionary.
Parse the given json value and add default value if key was required but not provided. Of course, the default values must be provided in the scheme.
Warning: this does not parse the result against the scheme. It has to be done by the user.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
value | dict | a json data to verify/populate | required |
only_required | bool | if True, only force required key. If False, update all keys with default values in the scheme. Defaults to True. | True |
(dict) a json populated with default values, returns an empty dict if something is wrong
Type | Description |
RuleError | if scheme provided at init contains a required rules without default value |
ValidatorError | if input value was not a dict |
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def populate_with_defaults(self, value: Dict, only_required: bool = True) -> Dict:
Inject default values defined in the rule to a given dictionary.
Parse the given json value and add default value if key was required
but not provided.
Of course, the default values must be provided in the scheme.
Warning: this does not parse the result against the scheme. It has
to be done by the user.
value (dict): a json data to verify/populate
only_required (bool): if True, only force required key. If False, update all
keys with default values in the scheme. Defaults to True.
(dict) a json populated with default values, returns an empty dict if something is wrong
RuleError: if scheme provided at init contains a required rules without default value
ValidatorError: if input value was not a dict
if not self.is_valid(): # pragma: no cover
return {}
# check the value against the scheme
if isinstance(value, dict):
result = deepcopy(value)
raise ValidatorError("input value is not a dict")
for k, v in self._scheme.items():
if 'required' in v and v['required'] is True:
if k in value:
result[k] = value[k]
if 'default' in v:
result[k] = v['default']
raise RuleError(f"scheme does not define a default value for required key: {k}")
if not only_required:
if k in value:
result[k] = value[k]
if 'default' in v:
result[k] = v['default']
return result
Validate a value against the scheme passed at creation time.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
value | dict | value (dict) to validate against the scheme passed at init | required |
Type | Description |
bool | True if value is valid |
Type | Description |
ValidateError | if provided value is invalid |
Source code in fedbiomed/common/validator.py
def validate(self, value: Dict) -> bool:
Validate a value against the scheme passed at creation time.
value (dict): value (dict) to validate against the scheme passed
at __init__
True if value is valid
ValidateError: if provided value is invalid
# TODO: raises error messages
# or store error string in self._error and provide a error() method
if not self.is_valid(): # pragma: no cover
return False
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValidateError("value is not a dict")
# check the value against the scheme
for k, v in self._scheme.items():
if 'required' in v and v['required'] is True and k not in value:
raise ValidateError(f"{k} key is required")
for k in value:
if k not in self._scheme:
raise ValidateError(f"undefined key ({k}) in scheme")
for hook in self._scheme[k]['rules']:
if not Validator().validate(value[k], hook):
# this should already have raised an error
raise ValidateError(f"invalid value ({value[k]}) for key: {k}") # pragma: nocover
return True
Bases: ValidatorError
Error raised then validating a value against a rule.
Bases: object
Container class for validation functions accessible via their names.
this class: - manages a catalog of tuples ( "name", validation_hook ) The validation_hook is validated at registration phase. - permit to validate a value against - a (named) registered hook - a direct validation hook passed as argument to validate() - a SchemeValidator for json validation - typechecking
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def __init__(self):
Create an instance of Validator. For now, nothing to do.
Delete a rule from the rulebook.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
rule | str | name (string) of a possibly registered hook | required |
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def delete(self, rule: str) -> None:
Delete a rule from the rulebook.
rule: name (string) of a possibly registered hook
if rule in self._validation_rulebook:
del self._validation_rulebook[rule]
Information about rule registration.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
rule | str | name | required |
Type | Description |
bool | True if rule is registered, False instead |
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def is_known_rule(self, rule: str) -> bool:
Information about rule registration.
rule: name [`str`][str] of a possibly registered hook
True if rule is registered, False instead
return rule in self._validation_rulebook
register(rule, hook, override=False)
register(rule, hook, override=False)
Add a rule/validation_function to the rulebook.
if the rule (entry of the catalog) was already registered, it will be rejected, except if override is True
Name | Type | Description | Default |
rule | str | registration name (string) | required |
hook | Any | validation hook to register (the hook is checked against the accepted hook types) | required |
override | bool | if True, still register the rule even if it existed. Defaults to False. | False |
Type | Description |
bool | True if rule is accepted, False instead if rule exists and overrride is False |
Type | Description |
RuleError | if provided rule name or hook is invalid |
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def register(self, rule: str, hook: Any, override: bool = False) -> bool:
Add a rule/validation_function to the rulebook.
if the rule (entry of the catalog) was already registered,
it will be rejected, except if override is True
rule: registration name (string)
hook: validation hook to register (the hook is checked against
the accepted hook types)
override: if True, still register the rule even if it existed. Defaults to False.
True if rule is accepted, False instead if rule exists and overrride is False
RuleError: if provided rule name or hook is invalid
if not isinstance(rule, str):
raise RuleError("rule name must be a string")
if not override and rule in self._validation_rulebook:
sys.stdout.write(f"WARNING - Validator: rule is already registered: {rule} \n")
return False
if not Validator._is_hook_type_valid(hook):
raise RuleError("action associated to the rule is not allowed")
# hook is a dict, we transform it to a SchemeValidator
if isinstance(hook, dict):
sv = SchemeValidator(hook)
except RuleError as e:
raise RuleError(f"validator is an invalid dict: {e}")
hook = sv
# rule description is valid -> register it
self._validation_rulebook[rule] = hook
return True
Return a presumably stored rule.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
rule | str | name ( | required |
Type | Description |
Union[str, None] | the hook associated to the rule name if registered, None if not registered |
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def rule(self, rule: str) -> Union[str, None]:
Return a presumably stored rule.
rule: name ([`str`][str]) of a possibly registered hook
the hook associated to the rule name if registered, None if not registered
if rule in self._validation_rulebook:
return self._validation_rulebook[rule]
return None
validate(value, rule, strict=True)
validate(value, rule, strict=True)
Validate a value against a validation rule.
The rule may be one of: - (registered) rule - a provided function, - a simple type checking - a SchemeValidator
Name | Type | Description | Default |
value | Any | value to check | required |
rule | Any | validation hook (registered name, typecheck, direct hook, ...) | required |
strict | bool | Raises error if rule is not defined. Otherwise, prints a warning message. | True |
Type | Description |
bool | True if rule exists and value is compliant. |
Type | Description |
ValidateError | if provided value does not comply to the rule |
Source code in fedbiomed/common/validator.py
def validate(self, value: Any, rule: Any, strict: bool = True) -> bool:
Validate a value against a validation rule.
The rule may be one of:
- (registered) rule
- a provided function,
- a simple type checking
- a SchemeValidator
value: value to check
rule: validation hook (registered name, typecheck, direct hook, ...)
strict: Raises error if rule is not defined. Otherwise, prints a warning message.
True if rule exists and value is compliant.
ValidateError: if provided value does not comply to the rule
# rule is in the rulebook -> execute the rule associated function
if isinstance(rule, str) and rule in self._validation_rulebook:
status, error = Validator._hook_execute(value,
if not status:
raise ValidateError(error)
return status
# rule is an unknown string
if isinstance(rule, str):
if strict:
raise ValidateError(f"unknown rule: {rule}")
sys.stdout.write(f"WARNING - Validator(): unknown rule: {rule} \n")
return True
# consider the rule as a direct rule definition
status, error = Validator._hook_execute(value, rule)
if not status:
raise ValidateError(error)
return status
Bases: Exception
Top class of all Validator/SchemaValidator exception.
Ease the writing of validation function/hooks.
The decorator catches the output of the validator hook and replace it with a tuple(bool
, str
) as expected by the Validator class.
It creates an error message if not provided by the decorated function. The error message is forced to if the decorated function returns True
If the validator is not used to decorate a validation function/hook, then the user feedback will be less precise for the end-user but this will not change the accuracy (True/False) of the feedback.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
func | Callable | function to decorate | required |
Type | Description |
Callable | decorated function |
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def validator_decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
Ease the writing of validation function/hooks.
The decorator catches the output of the validator hook and replace
it with a tuple([`bool`][bool], [`str`][str]) as expected by
the Validator class.
It creates an error message if not provided by the decorated function.
The error message is forced to if the decorated function returns True
If the validator is not used to decorate a validation function/hook,
then the user feedback will be less precise for the end-user but this
will not change the accuracy (True/False) of the feedback.
func: function to decorate
decorated function
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# execute the wrapped function
status = func(*args, **kwargs)
# we expect a tuple [boolean, str] as output of func()
# but we try to be resilient to function that simply return boolean
# and create the tuple in case that it is not provided
error = f"validation error then calling: {func.__name__}"
if isinstance(status, tuple):
status, *error = status
if status:
return status, None
error = ''.join(error)
return status, error
return wrapper