
Module: fedbiomed.common.optimizer

Optimizer class wrapping the declearn-issued Optimizer.



Optimizer(lr, decay=0.0, modules=None, regularizers=None)

Optimizer class, interfacing the declearn one to provide with a modular SGD-core algorithm.


Name Type Description Default
lr float

Base learning rate (i.e. step size) applied to gradients-based updates upon applying them to a model's weights.

decay float

Optional weight decay parameter, used to parameterize a decoupled weight decay regularization term (see [1]) added to the updates right before the learning rate is applied and model weights are effectively updated.

modules Optional[Sequence[Union[OptiModule, str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]]

Optional list of plug-in modules implementing gradients' alteration into model weights' udpates. Modules will be applied to gradients following this list's ordering. See declearn.optimizer.modules.OptiModule for details. See Notes section below for details on the "specs" format.

regularizers Optional[Sequence[Union[Regularizer, str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]]

Optional list of plug-in loss regularizers. Regularizers will be applied to gradients following this list's order, prior to any other alteration (see modules above). See declearn.optimizer.regularizers.Regularizer for details. See Notes section below for details on the "specs" format.



Regularizer and OptiModule to be used by this optimizer, specified using the regularizers and modules parameters, may be passed as ready-for-use instances, or be instantiated from specs, consisting either of a single string (the name attribute of the class to build) or a tuple grouping this name and a config dict (to specify some hyper-parameters).


[1] Loshchilov & Hutter, 2019. Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05101

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def __init__(
    lr: float,
    decay: float = 0.0,
    modules: Optional[Sequence[Union[OptiModule, str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]] = None,
    regularizers: Optional[Sequence[Union[Regularizer, str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]] = None,
) -> None:
    """Instantiate the declearn-issued gradient-descent optimizer.

        lr: Base learning rate (i.e. step size) applied to gradients-based
            updates upon applying them to a model's weights.
        decay: Optional weight decay parameter, used to parameterize a
            decoupled weight decay regularization term (see [1]) added to
            the updates right before the learning rate is applied and model
            weights are effectively updated.
        modules: Optional list of plug-in modules implementing gradients'
            alteration into model weights' udpates. Modules will be applied
            to gradients following this list's ordering.
            See `declearn.optimizer.modules.OptiModule` for details.
            See Notes section below for details on the "specs" format.
        regularizers: Optional list of plug-in loss regularizers.
            Regularizers will be applied to gradients following this list's
            order, prior to any other alteration (see `modules` above).
            See `declearn.optimizer.regularizers.Regularizer` for details.
            See Notes section below for details on the "specs" format.

    !!! info "Note"
        `Regularizer` and `OptiModule` to be used by this optimizer,
        specified using the `regularizers` and `modules` parameters,
        may be passed as ready-for-use instances, or be instantiated
        from specs, consisting either of a single string (the `name`
        attribute of the class to build) or a tuple grouping this
        name and a config dict (to specify some hyper-parameters).

    !!! info "References"
        [1] Loshchilov & Hutter, 2019.
            Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization.
        self._optimizer = DeclearnOptimizer(
    except (KeyError, TypeError) as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB621.value}: declearn Optimizer instantiation"
            " raised the following exception: {exc}"
        ) from exc



Return auxiliary variables that need to be shared between the nodes and the researcher.


Type Description
Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

Aux-var dict that associates module.collect_aux_var() values to module.name keys for each and every module plugged in this Optimizer that has some auxiliary variables to share.

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def get_aux(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Return auxiliary variables that need to be shared between the nodes and the researcher.

        Aux-var dict that associates `module.collect_aux_var()` values to
            `module.name` keys for each and every module plugged in this
            Optimizer that has some auxiliary variables to share.
        return self._optimizer.collect_aux_var()
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB620.value}: error in 'get_aux': {exc}"
        ) from exc

Return the configuration and current states of this Optimizer.

This method is to be used for creating breakpoints.


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

State-and-config dict that may be saved as part of a breakpoint file, and used to re-create this Optimizer using the Optimizer.load_state classmethod constructor.

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Return the configuration and current states of this Optimizer.

    This method is to be used for creating breakpoints.

        State-and-config dict that may be saved as part of a breakpoint
            file, and used to re-create this Optimizer using the
            `Optimizer.load_state` classmethod constructor.
        config = self._optimizer.get_config()
        states = self._optimizer.get_state()
        return {"config": config, "states": states}
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB620.value}: error in 'get_state': {exc}"
        ) from exc

Trigger start-of-training-round behavior of wrapped regularizers.

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def init_round(self) -> None:
    """Trigger start-of-training-round behavior of wrapped regularizers."""
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB620.value}: error in 'init_round': {exc}"
        ) from exc

Instantiate an Optimizer from its breakpoint state dict.


Name Type Description Default
state Dict[str, Any]

state-and-config dict created using the get_state method.



Type Description

Optimizer instance re-created from the state dict.


Type Description

If the input state dict has improper keys or fails to set up a declearn Optimizer and set back its state.

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def load_state(cls, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
    """Instantiate an Optimizer from its breakpoint state dict.

        state: state-and-config dict created using the `get_state` method.

        Optimizer instance re-created from the `state` dict.

        FedbiomedOptimizerError: If the input `state` dict has improper keys
            or fails to set up a declearn Optimizer and set back its state.
        optim = DeclearnOptimizer.from_config(state["config"])
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB621.value}: `Optimizer.load_state`: {exc}"
        ) from exc
    return cls(

Update plug-in modules based on received shared auxiliary variables.


Name Type Description Default
aux Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

Auxiliary variables received from the counterpart optimizer (on the other side of the node-researcher frontier), that are to be a {module.name: module.collect_aux_var()} or a {module.name: {node: module.collect_aux_var()}} dict (depending on which side this optimizer is on).



Type Description

If a key from aux_var does not match the name of any module plugged in this optimizer (i.e. if received variables cannot be mapped to a destinatory module).

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def set_aux(self, aux: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
    """Update plug-in modules based on received shared auxiliary variables.

        aux: Auxiliary variables received from the counterpart optimizer
            (on the other side of the node-researcher frontier), that are
            to be a `{module.name: module.collect_aux_var()}` *or* a
            `{module.name: {node: module.collect_aux_var()}}` dict
            (depending on which side this optimizer is on).

        FedbiomedOptimizerError: If a key from `aux_var` does not match the
            name of any module plugged in this optimizer (i.e. if received
            variables cannot be mapped to a destinatory module).
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB621.value}: `Optimizer.set_aux`: {exc}"
        ) from exc
step(grads, weights)

Run an optimization step to compute and return model weight updates.

Use the pre-assigned weights and grads (set using the set_weights and set_grads methods) to compute weight updates, using the pipeline defined by this instance.


Name Type Description Default
grads Vector

Raw gradients based on which to compute weights updates, wrapped into a declearn Vector structure.

weights Vector

Current values of the weights with respect to which the gradients were computed, wrapped into a declearn Vector with the same concrete type as grads.



Type Description

Updates to be applied to the model weights, computed by: - running wrapped gradients and weights through the regularizer plug-ins (that add loss-regularization terms' derivatives); - running resulting gradients through the optimodule plug-ins (that perform any defined gradient-alteration operation); - adding a decoupled weight-decay term, if one is to be used; - scaling the updates by the base learning rate. The results are wrapped into a declearn Vector structure, the concrete type of which is same as input grads and weights.

Source code in fedbiomed/common/optimizer.py
def step(self, grads: Vector, weights: Vector) -> Vector:
    """Run an optimization step to compute and return model weight updates.

    Use the pre-assigned `weights` and `grads` (set using the `set_weights`
    and `set_grads` methods) to compute weight updates, using the pipeline
    defined by this instance.

        grads: Raw gradients based on which to compute weights updates,
            wrapped into a declearn Vector structure.
        weights: Current values of the weights with respect to which the
            gradients were computed, wrapped into a declearn Vector with
            the same concrete type as `grads`.

        Updates to be applied to the model weights, computed by:
            - running wrapped gradients and weights through the regularizer
              plug-ins (that add loss-regularization terms' derivatives);
            - running resulting gradients through the optimodule plug-ins
              (that perform any defined gradient-alteration operation);
            - adding a decoupled weight-decay term, if one is to be used;
            - scaling the updates by the base learning rate.
            The results are wrapped into a declearn Vector structure, the
            concrete type of which is same as input `grads` and `weights`.
        # This code mostly replicates that of `declearn.optimizer.Optimizer.compute_updates_from_gradients`.
        # Add loss-regularization terms' derivatives to the raw gradients.
        for reg in self._optimizer.regularizers:
            grads = reg.run(grads, weights)
        # Iteratively refine updates by running them through the optimodules.
        for mod in self._optimizer.modules:
            grads = mod.run(grads)
        # Apply the base learning rate.
        updates = - self._optimizer.lrate * grads
        # Optionally add the decoupled weight decay term.
        if self._optimizer.w_decay:
            updates -= self._optimizer.w_decay * weights
        # Return the model updates.
        return updates
    except Exception as exc:
        raise FedbiomedOptimizerError(
            f"{ErrorNumbers.FB620.value}: error in 'step': {exc}"
        ) from exc